Our Approach

Agility, collaboration &
local inspiration

We are agile in our efforts to explore new ways of delivering value-based solutions in our work and emphasize co-creating with partners, and building local and contextualized partnerships with the communities we seek to serve

Human-centered design
is at the core

We leverage the principles of human-centered design (HCD) to guide all of our work. We prioritize understanding broader contexts while building empathy so as to understand the users and other stakeholders of the products and services we create; designing around their needs, desires, aspirations and realities.

Strategy & data for
decision making

We go beyond designing solutions that are desirable to designing and launching initiatives that are feasible and viable. We leverage strategy and data to make informed decisions on how the initiatives will work, and what is needed to make the implementation a reality.

Our Process

Our innovation process is adaptable to the different needs of our partners. For each challenge, we craft a unique approach that aims to create a lasting impact.

Scope and Align

We start by gaining inspiration for the project. Here, we understand the outcomes and success criteria, align on resources, ways of working, and timelines, as well as assess risks and constraints.

Understand & Define

This step is about understanding the challenge at hand, gathering information through research and other approaches, and generating insights and ideas that solve the challenge.


During this step, we bring the ideas to life by translating the ideas into tangible concepts. Here, we are keen to communicate the value and key assumptions of the solution or intervention.

Validate and Refine

We take our concepts out in the real world and get feedback from stakeholders. We make refinements on the design as well as gather additional insights to guide the pilot.

Pilot & Strategize

We allocate resources and design a plan to pilot the intervention (product, service, experience, process or program), as we collect data and insights to inform further decision-making.

Launch and Support

The last phase is supporting the full launch, with a focus on providing the teams, stakeholders and community with the tools, environment and support they need to implement and scale the intervention.